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In the field of commercial display, double-sided LED streamers, once again leading the domestic trend!

Time:2017-09-14 Views:72
In recent years, the flexible streamer has been repeatedly used by designers in their own products in many projects at home and abroad. Recently, a piece of "Please Be Seated" (Please Be Seated), also borrowed from a British star designer, has deepened into our LED display field...
 The streamer is about 8 meters long, has 6 turning points with arcs, and has a purely integrated design. Ultra HD dual screen display...
It is reported that "Please Be Seated" (Please Be Seated), the device, made its debut at the London Design Festival. It was originally inspired by a sketch depicting the bustling crowds in a city square, expressing a response to busy urban life.
      After the first exhibition in Chengdu, the artwork came to Taikoo Hui, Guangzhou to ingeniously incorporate new elements. The Mapping device using digital projection technology was displayed in a commercial space for the first time, creating an immersive sound and light interactive space for the public. You can experience the immersive experience created by interactive light and shadow at TaiKoo Hui up close.
    The device has a total length of 15.2 meters and is in the shape of a large wooden wave. The arched part can be used for people to shuttle and explore the space. The curved bottom becomes the best place for people to relax and rest. The curve of the installation symbolizes daily flow and stillness, creating different spaces for people to walk through or sit down and enjoy a moment of tranquility. Just as the theme of this event is "Everything flows, stay for this moment", in the fast-paced era, everything is changing all the time, and people actively choose to stay at this moment in a busy life, which is the greatest impact on life. Praise and achievement.
When people sit or walk, or rest or meet with friends, light, shadow and music change accordingly, changing the original visual order of the corresponding ring, making every moment visible, leaving a unique feeling and resonance in people‘s hearts. As far as the charm of commercial interior space is concerned, drawing on the cyclical and infinite flow of "Please Sit Down" itself, the double-sided LED streamers not only show the changing lights and shadows, but also have a better commercial display. Dynamic screen interaction makes the design artwork more functional and commercial.